Diners enjoy a meal along the San Francisco waterfront.



户外用餐在贝博体彩app比以往任何时候都更受欢迎, 那么,为什么不去看看这个城市最好的海滨餐厅里都有什么菜呢? These establishments along the Embarcadero, Fisherman's Wharf, and PIER 39 offer you a feast for the eyes, as well as your other senses. The best part? 我们的海滨步行区就在你桌子的另一边, 你可以散散步来燃烧掉任何你喜欢的嗜好. 这里有一些最好的滨海湾城市的海滨餐厅.


EPIC Steak

369 The Embarcadero

For a stunning view of the Bay Bridge and a rather epic steak, here’s your spot. 你还可以找到牡蛎、邓杰尼斯蟹鸡尾酒、自制熟食、沙拉等等.


Pier 5, The Embarcadero

Chef Michael Chiarello’s Spanish-inspired Coqueta has a view of the water at a few of the tables, 酒吧区(和室外露台)总是吸引着一群人来喝杜松子酒和奎宁酒, the extensive menu of hot and cold tapas, and larger plates (like paella).

Fog City

1300 Battery St.

这家经典的美式餐厅就在Embarcadero街对面, but you still get a slight view of the water. The menu is seasonally driven, full of local vegetables, 烤架和烤炉里的肉(他们的鸡肉是值得注意的), and a really good burger. 露天餐桌,鸡尾酒,随叫随到的红酒,还有他们的油炸圈饼 Fog City a popular spot.

La Mar

Pier 1 1/2, The Embarcadero

如果你喜欢酸橘汁腌鱼、皮斯科酸汁和其他秘鲁菜, La Mar is your place. causas(带浇头的生土豆)和肉馅卷饼也很好吃. 奖励:午餐,早午餐,欢乐时光,令人愉快的海洋外观和水上的黄金位置.

Pier 23 Cafe

Pier 23, The Embarcadero

自豪地提供“新鲜海鲜、烈酒和现场音乐,” Pier 23 Cafe 提供这样的安慰食物的最爱,如烤奶酪团子和黑鱼和粗粉. 在户外的桌子上享受这些和其他的菜肴,同时沐浴在阳光下.


399 The Embarcadero South

A sister restaurant to Epic, the upscale Waterbar is known for its extensive oyster bar, outdoor patio, happy hour and menu of sustainable seafood, from grilled spot prawns to local salmon. 从地板到天花板的水族馆和风景一样引人注目.

Fisherman's Wharf

Bistro Boudin Restaurant and Bar

160 Jefferson St., 2nd Floor

渔人码头(Fisherman 's Wharf)的布丹(Boudin)有一款1849年的酸面包头. Their handsome Bistro 在那里你可以吃到游客们总是把它与贝博体彩app联系在一起的食物:酸面团碗里的蛤蜊浓汤. There are also oysters, mussels, cioppino and more. Kids are welcome.

The Franciscan Crab Restaurant

Pier 43 1/2

这座20世纪50年代的建筑,装饰着霓虹灯和俏皮的内部装饰,可以欣赏到海湾的美景. The Franciscan Crab Restaurant is known for its whole-roasted crab with garlic sauce. Save room for the frozen “kustard.” It’s also kid-friendly and offers validated parking.


Pier 47, One Al Scoma Way

Tucked right in the Wharf, Scoma's has been serving seafood for more than 50 years. 懒人的cioppino(夹蟹)是一道经典, as are their crab cakes, shrimp or crab Louis and petrale doré. 虽然不便宜,但至少代客泊车是免费的.


Wipeout Bar & Grill

Building A, Level 1

Wipeout 在探索了39号码头的每个角落后,全家一起吃饭的最佳地点是哪里. It's right in the middle of the action, 一边是海滨景色,另一边是绝佳的观景场所. Wipeout不辜负它悠闲、休闲的冲浪者灵感.

Fog Harbor Fish House

Building A, Level 2

这是附近第一家提供100%可持续海鲜菜单的餐厅, Fog Harbor 这里有各种各样的招牌菜和令人惊喜的特色菜吗. 和一些饥饿的朋友一起来,看看你是否能吃下他们令人难以置信的贝类拼盘.

Pier Market Seafood Restaurant

Building F, Level 1

以屡获殊荣的蛤蜊杂烩汤、豆科植物烤海鲜和手工鸡尾酒而闻名, Pier Market 提供离码头最著名的居民最近的座位: its California sea lions. Don't worry; there is plenty of space between diners and the sea lions. No need to worry about your lunch being snagged!

Swiss Louis Italian and Seafood Restaurant

Building G, Level 2

Swiss Louis 致力于提供最美味的意大利菜肴和最新鲜的海鲜. 他们丰富的菜单提供了许多传统的最爱,包括意大利面, pizzas, fresh fish and shellfish, 以及肉鸡主菜,包括上等牛排和热烤全邓杰尼斯蟹.

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